Online donation page
Receive punctual and recurring donations through a ticket, credit card and debit in account.

Do you need to get better
financial sustainability
of your organization?
Lack of access to donor mechanisms is one of the factors that most impact the institutions’ ability to obtain new donors. Believe: in the last 12 months, 85% of people did not even receive a donation request from any entity.
Source: IDIS
This is a reality that we can change together through our online donation page.

Provide an incredible donation experience. Create pages for your campaigns with targeted and humanized communication, customize colors, images and texts.
Pass more confidence to your users with security certificate for data encryption.
Customize your brand, message and image
Apply your organization’s or campaign’s logo and use appeals with striking images to engage and convert new donors for your organization.

Create effective calls so people can donate, support campaigns or participate in volunteer actions.
Custom fields
Request important data from your donors to use this information in a strategically way.
Engage users
Approach your users by requesting permission to communicate through other channels.
Point and recurrent donations
Get punctual or recurring donations via ticket, credit and debit card.
Custom values
Customize the values and show for the donors what can be done with each donation.
Humanized communication
Individualize your communication by calling each donor by their name and bringing them closer to the organization.

Automatic Address
Obtain your donor’s address automatically from the zip code and use this data to work in direct mail submissions, such as a welcome kit.
Validate donor data in real time and do not miss donations due to error in completing forms.
Compatible with mobile devices
Our donation pages are optimized so people can donate through smartphones, tablets and computers, regardless of which browser or operating system used.
Compatible with mobile devices
Our donation pages are optimized so people can donate through smartphones, tablets and computers, regardless of which browser or operating system used.

Know about the key features of our online donation page.
Microsoft Dynamics
Automate the relationship with your donors by integrating the F2F Application with Microsoft Dynamics.
Integrate the Salesforce tool with our application and empower your relationship with your donors.
Integration API
Have data autonomy and incorporate it into other systems used by your organization.
Conquer more donors by creating mobile-compatible campaign pages.
Eliminate operational errors with the instant validation of CPF, CNPJ, ZIP code and payment data.
Instant payment
Receive payments in real time. Do not miss donations for processing delays.
Increase conversion rate by creating custom campaigns with texts, colors and images.
A/B Test
Create campaign variations with identities and languages different and validate which ones generate the most results.
Sending e-mail and SMS
Approach your audience by sending welcome messages to new leads and donors.
Exporting data
Filter your donor information, export your data and use it in other tools.
Advanced reports
Make reporting more robust and effective by the crossing of data from gauges, places and donors.
Control panel
Have full control of the activities of the individual gauges and of the data collected by them.

Our applications have PCI Compliance security certification, with AES 256 BIT encryption. So, the data are traded with the same the security of banking systems.
Trackmob conducted the «Donation Experience» study with 50 organizations to understand how the donation culture is:
36% of them do not offer the option of recurring donation.
Only 28% thanked the donor by email or SMS.
66% confirmed that the amount donated was successfully credited.
63% do not have a website security certificate.
Source: Trackmob Study on Donation Experience conducted between 04/18 and 05/03.

We are a company that specializes in offer technology solutions to provide an incredible experience to your donor. Contact us for more information.